Tag: <span>ikigai</span>

Find IKIGAI with Ep. 19 – Angelica Ogando – Peak Performance Coach and Co-Founder of Yoshida Academy

Angelica Ogando

Today’s episode we have the inspiring Angelica Ogando who has had her fair share of hardships but with changing her mindset has achieved happiness practicing her purpose.

We all go through lives teasing bringing in our passions and lightly touching on our purpose but being too scared to jump in with 100% and finding your ikigai or your reason for being. Many of us, me included, go through life doing what others think we should be doing but never fulfilling our passion. Angie helps people like us in finding our purpose and working towards living it out.

She motivates and inspires and has an amazing journey, she has grown from her own setbacks to creating and founding her own company and co-founding with other great women other companies that are all aligned with her purpose to help Latina & POC women (men too).

Listen today to become inspired, learn how to overcome imposter syndrome, and work towards finding your purpose.