Tag: <span>Race Forward</span>

Ep. 10 – Hendel Leiva, Host & Producer of ImmigrationMIC and Momentum Podcasts

Hendel Leiva

This was an amazing experience that I appreciate so much. I met Hendel at an event here in NY and we had an instant connection as we were both podcasters. Hendel has a great story of how he got into podcasting and just further strengthened my belief that experiences both bad/good can lead you to your purpose. He currently is the Host & Producer of two podcasts – ImmigrationMIC and Momentum. We talk a lot about his 99th episode which is a touching and motivating story where he lays it all out!

Another thing I took from this interview is that we should never stop learning and always bring in new skills to our toolbox and go out and take risks. Reflection is a great tool that we all need to practice more and look back on our life experiences to learn and grow from them.

I hope you all enjoy the episode, we recorded in Hendel’s studio hence the high caliber sound. Its something Platform Latino can work towards but I know you will learn and have a lot of takeaways from listening!